The Missing Bit

From Ansible to plain script

ansible devops


I use Ansible to manage all my infrastructure. It's about 50 bare metal servers that sit in my basement.

It works well, but I have a few issues:

The third one is the biggest pain point. I spent sometimes hours trying to get how to use some plugin to do something simple.

Ansible provides a lot of plugins, but most of them can be replaced by simple commands.

Some, which are a bit harder to replace, like lineinfile which "ensure there is a line in a file" I try to avoid, and instead have the whole file in my devops system and replace it.

I started to replace a few playbooks with shell scripts. And it works wonders. Everything is so simple.


Here is an example:

- name: Michi pdns configuration
  gather_facts: false
  hosts: michi
  - package:
        - powerdns
        - entr
      state: present

  - service:
      name: pdns_server
      state: stopped

  - copy:
      src: pdns.conf
      dest: /etc/pdns/pdns.conf

  - copy:
      src: check-dynupdates.lua
      dest: /etc/pdns/check-dynupdates.lua

  - file:
      path: /var/db/pdns/
      state: directory

  - copy:
      src: schema-sqlite3.sql
      dest: /var/db/pdns/schema-sqlite3.sql

  - file:
      path: /var/db/pdns/pdns.sqlite3
      state: absent

  - shell: sqlite3 /var/db/pdns/pdns.sqlite3 < /var/db/pdns/schema-sqlite3.sql

  - file:
      path: /var/db/pdns/schema-sqlite3.sql
      state: absent

  - service:
      name: pdns_server
      state: started
      enabled: true

  - copy:
      dest: /etc/pdns/
      mode: 0700

  - copy:
      dest: /etc/pdns/
      mode: 0700

  - copy:
      src: pdns_sync
      dest: /etc/rc.d/pdns_sync
      mode: 0700

  - service:
      name: pdns_sync
      state: started
      enabled: true



set -x

cd "$(dirname "$0")"

export TERM=vt100

SSH="ssh michi doas"

$SSH pkg_add powerdns entr
$SSH rcctl stop pdns_server

cat pdns.conf | $SSH tee /etc/pdns/pdns.conf > /dev/null
cat check-dynupdates.lua | $SSH tee /etc/pdns/check-dynupdates.lua > /dev/null
$SSH mdir -p /var/db/pdns/
cat schema-sqlite3.sql | $SSH tee /var/db/pdns/schema-sqlite3.sql > /dev/null
$SSH rm /var/db/pdns/pdns.sqlite3

$SSH sh -c 'sqlite3 /var/db/pdns/pdns.sqlite3 < /var/db/pdns/schema-sqlite3.sql'

$SSH rm /var/db/pdns/schema-sqlite3.sql

$SSH rcctl start pdns_server
$SSH rcctl enable pdns_server

cat | $SSH tee /etc/pdns/ > /dev/null
$SSH chmod 700 /etc/pdns/

cat | $SSH tee /etc/pdns/ > /dev/null
$SSH chmod 700 /etc/pdns/

cat pdns_sync | $SSH tee /etc/rc.d/pdns_sync > /dev/null
$SSH chmod 700 /etc/rc.d/pdns_sync
$SSH rcctl enable pdns_sync

This is for a single host, but for multiple host, you can do something like:

HOSTS="michi kiki"

for HOST in $HOSTS
    SSH="ssh $HOST ls"
    $SSH <do something>


I converted a dozen playbook to scripts and here are a few point:

If you wish to comment or discuss this post, just mention me on Bluesky or